About Us


Our faith community began meeting in 1981. In 1982, we called our first pastor. In 1983, groundbreaking on the church began and our school began teaching children. In 1990, we added our fellowship hall which is named after our first pastor, Pastor Mennicke. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School is currently served by Pastor Steve Anderson. Good Shepherd is a part of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School is designing its ministry to be a faith community for families  to be served on its campus and serving others in and around our community. We are one small part of God’s eternal family spread over space and time. We proclaim the Gospel of Christ in word and sacrament, welcome all in Jesus’ name, and strive to shape our life together in ways that are consistent with Christ’s Gospel. For more information, e-mail us at pastor@goodshepherdsarasota.org or call us 941-921-3673.