On Monday, November 11th, Mrs. Marlene led our students and visitors in a short Veteran’s Day ceremony out by our flag pole. We are thankful for those that were able to join us who served our country! Thank you, veterans!
All posts by shepsrq
Trunk or Treat 2024
Thank You, LERT!
We want to send a HUGE THANK YOU to all the members of the Lutheran Emergency Response Team who came out to our campus and volunteered their time and effort helping us clean up after Hurricane Milton! The amount of hard work that they all put in is incredible and we are so grateful and blessed to have had them here. What an absolute blessing!
Exciting News! We have a new building in the works!
Click above to check out our brochure about our new building! We are so blessed to have this project in the works to expand our ministry within the community and fill a need in the Early Childhood community!
2024 Goodies with Grandparents!
2024 Teacher Installation!
CPR, AED, and First Aid Training
The Motion was Approved
The Motion was APPROVED!
Thanks to the voters of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School. The motion was approved: With God’s help the GSLC&S approves the construction of a new building and securing a mortgage of up to $7 million. Pictured are the building planning team: Ernie Dinkel, Council President; Jennifer Oberlin, School Director; Pastor Steve Anderson, Bob Barnes; School Board Chairman.