Q: What are the hours of operation?

A: We are open from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM.

Q: What programs are offered at Good Shepherd?

A: We offer classes ranging from 6 weeks old through VPK. Right now, we have 12 classrooms at our school: 3 classrooms in our infant program, 2 two-year-old classrooms, 3 three-year-old classrooms, and 4 VPK classrooms.

We are year-round for our infants through three-year-old programs. Our VPK program ends when the county school year ends. We do offer a Summer Camp program for our graduated VPK students, as well as students who have completed kindergarten – 5th grade.

Q: Do you follow the Sarasota County School Calendar?

A: Yes, we follow the county with any and all closures: School breaks, professional days, weather related closures, etc.

Q: Are lunches and snacks provided?

A: No, we do not provide lunch or snacks to our students. Families are responsible for packing  lunch and snacks for their child daily.

*We do offer a pizza lunch on Fridays for parents to order and purchase for their student(s).*

Q: How can I receive enrollment information about Good Shepherd?

A: You can call us at 941.922.8164, email us at gsls@comcast.net, or stop by our school at 5651 Honore Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34233

Q: Do you offer tours?

A: Yes! You can schedule a tour by calling our office at 941.922.8164. Right now, we offer tours on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM. You must call ahead to schedule your tour.